Installation Errors and Feature Missing


I have just performed a clean install of SuiteCRM 7.02 and got the errors listed below.

Are these errors around Security Groups related to the fact that the “Assign To” dropdown does not appear when I am setting up to automatically create cases from inbound emails?

One post in the Bug Tracker Forum mentions a bug fixed in a later code base but I have tried them all, including the 7.1 beta without success.

Can anyone help please?

=== SugarCrm.log ===
**** The following error repeats 320 times ****
02/10/14 11:33:52 [6876][-none-][FATAL] Query Failed: select,, securitygroups_default.module, securitygroups_default.securitygroup_id from securitygroups_default inner join securitygroups on securitygroups_default.securitygroup_id = where securitygroups_default.deleted = 0 and securitygroups.deleted = 0: MySQL error 1146: Table ‘beyond_crm702.securitygroups_default’ doesn’t exist

=== Start of web install status page ===
Creating SuiteCRM configuration file (config.php)

Creating SuiteCRM application tables, audit tables and relationship metadata

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in D:\Data0\inetpub\beyond_crm 7.0.2\modules\AOR_Reports\AOR_Report.php on line 85

Notice: Undefined index: moduleList in D:\Data0\inetpub\beyond_crm 7.0.2\modules\AOW_WorkFlow\AOW_WorkFlow.php on line 87

Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in D:\Data0\inetpub\beyond_crm 7.0.2\modules\AOW_WorkFlow\AOW_WorkFlow.php on line 89

Notice: Undefined index: aos in D:\Data0\inetpub\beyond_crm 7.0.2\modules\AOS_Contracts\AOS_Contracts.php on line 43

Creating default SuiteCRM data

 Creating default users...   done
 Creating default scheduler jobs...   done

**** The following error repeats 192 times ****
Notice: Undefined index: moduleList in D:\Data0\inetpub\beyond_crm 7.0.2\modules\SecurityGroups\SecurityGroup.php on line 536

**** The following error repeats 1280 times ****
Notice: Undefined index: moduleList in D:\Data0\inetpub\beyond_crm 7.0.2\modules\SecurityGroups\SecurityGroup.php on line 533

The setup of SuiteCRM 7.0.2 is now complete!
Total time: 8.5111129283905 seconds.
Approximate memory used: 46670448 bytes.

Hi there,

This error is due to the installation falling over. What is your system setup? I.e. PHP/MySQL/Apache versions. Can you access your instance to perform a Quick Repair & Rebuild in Admin -> Repair?



Hi Will,

I tried repair but there is no improvement.

I have tried installing this on the following server configurations

Windows 7

  • Apache 2.4 Handler Apache Lounge
  • PHP Version 5.4.7
  • MySql 5.5.27 (mysqlnd 5.0.10)

Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise

  • IIS
  • PHP Version 5.3.3 (CGI/FastCGI)
  • MySQL 5.1

Windows Server 2012

  • Apache/2.4.7 (Win64) mod_fcgid/2.3.9
  • PHP Version 5.5.8
  • MySQL 5.1 (mysqlnd 5.0.11-dev - 20120503)

In every case, I get “MySQL error 1146: Table ‘beyond_crm702.securitygroups_default’ doesn’t exist”

and… :slight_smile:

all of my different installation attempts have been to try to find the “latest code” mentioned here that would allow me to assign inbound emails to members of a role or security group the same as I can in a workflow. Is this really possible and if so, where can I get it because this is a vital feature for my deployment.



Hi Bruce,

Have you set the recommended permissions? What errors do you get in your sugarcrm.log, if any?



Hi Will,

Please read this entire thread carefully. I have already answered that question in my initial post.

Please also read the thread in the Bug Tracker Forum to which I referred you, from that initial post, to try to get the answer to what is my most burning question. Can cases created during inbound email processing be assigned to security groups and roles in the same way as when creating a workflow? The link I gave you contained a response from a member who said he could… but only after receiving some “latest code”. He did not respond to my request for the location of the code and I have installed every version of SuiteCRM that I can find and none display the user interface elements required for this feature. I got the errors related to default security groups and thought it may be related.



I have posted a howto on this topic here.