Install when only one DB allowed?

We are going to evaluate suitecrm but as setting up on our web site which is already running a wordpress site I’m a bit worried about the wording in the installation guide:
Name of the database that you would like to use to house the SuiteCRM data
You might already have an existing database that you would like to use. If you provide the name of an existing database, the tables in the database will be dropped during installation when the schema for the SuiteCRM database is defined.

Where the site is hosted we only have access to one database and that has not been a problem before as all installations of wordpress, osTicket etc use separate tables and different prefixes. But if I understand the text above all these will be deleted if I go through with the suitecrm installation in the same database?


I’ve just tested with 7.3.1 and the message is slightly misleading, only existing SuiteCRM tables will be dropped (though this means if SuiteCRM has a table that matches an existing one table that table will be dropped).

However if you are doing an install onto an existing database it is wise to backup all data and files.

Adding some kind of prefix system would be good, though this would require changes throughout SuiteCRM. Nonetheless I’ve added this to the issue tracker here:


Great, thanks! I thought it would be set up like that but the wording make me worry a bit.