Install SuiteCRM-7.13.3

Hello everyone
I am new to the community and I start with this small laboratory, it is a virtual machine, which is installed Ubuntu Server 22.04. The installation of PHP 8.2, Mysql has already been carried out and I have passed all the requirements that the installation requested. When I’m starting the installation in step 2, I can’t move forward, it doesn’t show any errors, it just stays stopped

php8.2 is not supported, maybe thats the issue:

I would test with 7.4 atm.

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Hello, thanks for answering.
After many problems with the ubuntu server I decided better to change to a windows 10 computer and I put XAMP V3.3.0 with PHP Version 8.0.28. He let me install and I passed the part that I couldn’t with the previous equipment. Now I’m done but I get the following error:
Warning: Undefined array key “LOGIN_ERROR_MESSAGE” in C:\xampp\htdocs\SuiteCRM-7.13.3\cache\smarty\templates_c%%04^047^047CC1D0%%login.tpl.php on line 27
and other
Warning: Undefined array key “LOGIN_ERROR” in C:\xampp\htdocs\SuiteCRM-7.13.3\cache\smarty\templates_c%%04^047^047CC1D0%%login.tpl.php on line 47

if it lets me enter the server and inside it keeps throwing those types of errors. I do not know what I did wrong :frowning:

No they are just warnings, turn them off in your php.ini

Set error_reporting

error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT & ~E_WARNING & ~E_NOTICE