Debian Bookworm 12 / Virtualmin
php 8.2 and php 8.3
apache mod rewrite is enabled
permissions have been set and bin/console.php adjusted with chmod +x

I am having issues installing [SuiteCRM 8.8.0].
Install log show

[2025-02-24 17:10:33] install.log.INFO: Successfully got SuiteCRM instance main page
[2025-02-24 17:10:33] install.log.INFO:
[2025-02-24 17:10:33] install.log.INFO: Running curl for Api
[2025-02-24 17:10:33] install.log.INFO: Calling Graphql api
[2025-02-24 17:10:33] install.log.ERROR:
[2025-02-24 17:10:33] install.log.ERROR: Unable to retrieve System Configs on Graphql Page. Please refer to the logs/install.log for more information.
[2025-02-24 17:10:33] install.log.ERROR: The url used for the call was:
[2025-02-24 17:10:33] install.log.ERROR: The result of the call was:
[2025-02-24 17:10:33] install.log.ERROR: {“errors”:[{“message”:“NOAUTH Authentication required.”,“locations”:[{“line”:2,“column”:3}],“path”:[“systemConfigs”]}],“data”:{“systemConfigs”:null}}
[2025-02-24 17:10:33] install.log.DEBUG: Hook called: ::server_round_trip

Any ideas how to solve this?

Is your web root pointing at public directory, as per the installation instructions?

If it was, I don’t think we’d be seeing that public in the URL (

For example,

You can set your web root to:


@rsp that doesn’t look like the correct directory in his case, it’s more likely


Thank you for your prompt reply.

I changed the document root to /home/crm/public_html/public , rebooted the system and still the same error

You don’t need to reboot the system. You just need to restart your web server.

sudo systemctl restart apache2


sudo systemctl restart nginx

Are you able to login to your CRM?

Everytime i changed the apache system i always restart the service, i only rebooted just incase the fpm wasnt getting reloaded so i figured why not…

No am not able to log into the crm …

When i click ignore settings i still get 404

Is your PHP service active?

systemctl status php8.2-fpm

Just run the below in the browser:


Thanks of the help… i came to the conclusion that it was a CORS header problem since the subdomain and main domain were on different servers.

It works out the box once i put the domain+crm subdomain on same server…

Thank you everyone…

For future references: How would someone make it work with cors if hosted on different servers?

You shouldn’t need to adjust CORS assuming that they are hosted in the same network. setting your trusted proxies and trusted hosts should cover this. Here is how I do it.

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