Install problem (403 error)

Hello. I’m having problems installing SuiteCRM. After unpacking and going to the site, error 403 appeared. I checked and noticed that there were no cache, custom, modules, themes, data, upload folders (where there are folders I can find?). The folders are set to 775 permissions and the files are also miraculously someone set the permissions to 775 before me. The question is, what folders and files should be set to work correctly with SuiteCRM. Thank you

And also, I will provide all screenshots with rights in which I did not touch. Please study and give me suggestions on how to adjust the access rights of folders and files

And also I add one screenshot

This looks like the directory for suite 8.6 - which is completely different install method to suite 7 variants

The folder structures are entirely different

The modules, cache, theme are all located in /public/legacy/
etc etc

I can see the zip folder there SuiteCRM 8.6.0 in the original screenshot.

You will need to change your document root and directory to the below

DocumentRoot /path-to-suite/public
<Directory /path-to-suite/public>
    AllowOverride All
    Order Allow,Deny
    Allow from All

This can be found in the website apache configuration - if your web host will allow you to change the directory in which the site is loaded from, point this at the public folder.

If you are self hosting change your web config file in


Reload apache2 config with;

sudo systemctl reload apache2

Now in your case - the permissions bit

find . -type d -not -perm 2755 -exec chmod 2755 {} ;
find . -type f -not -perm 0644 -exec chmod 0644 {} ;
find . ! -user u166450 -exec chown u166450:u166450 {} ;
chmod +x bin/console

Run that in the root directory, it might take a moment or two and if you want to see a verbose output stick -v or -vv or -vvv on the end depending on the level you want to see

Now the site should load and you’ll be presented with the installation page.