Insights - How Can you amend/update these


This is more of a ‘can you ?’ question but something that I think could be really beneficial and useful to our sales teams.

We run SuiteCRM on V 8.2.4 on a hosted service. This runs really well and no particular issues. We are relatively aware of the system and its build etc… and are very comfortable with making changes, Studio customisation and so on.

A number of users have logged requests to have either additional or slightly varied content in the insights panels that appear in modules such as Opportunities, where they are managing their pipeline etc…

However, I have drawn a blank in terms of where I can go to update what is already there or add new graphs etc. I have been through all of the Studio settings, Reports etc… and all of the admin options and can’t find anything. I have checked on line and there is little or no documentation that I have come across with any searches.

So is there anyone out there that can point us in the right direction or is this a dead end ?

I can see how these can be of immense benefit but without the option to do anything with them, it seems that a potentially excellent feature is just not usable in a real sales environment. I am keen not to go diving into code just yet in the event that there is a much better and safer way.

Any pointers gratefully appreciated.

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@pgr, is it just me, or does this seem overly complex for something you could normally do with a few lines of PHP and some HTML? I guess I 'm going to have to learn angular and rxjs!

Like for example if I wanted to do this (the task widget for example) in something like Woocommerce, I’d just call a hook that defines the area where the widgets are shown on the front end and write whatever queries and layouts in PHP and HTML I wanted that get inserted by the hook in that specific place on the front end.

I mean this is a typical thing users would want to do. I don’t know angular or rxis, but does this kind of concept not exist?

@pgr Many thanks. I have had a quick read and clearly need to brush up on a few things but this gets things underway. As you say, its easy to find if you know where to look :slight_smile:

As per follow-up note from @pstevens , it does seem a little ‘sledgehammer to crack a nut’ but if this is it for now, we will get on with it.

Thanks again for your help, much appreciated.

There are two significant learning curves in v8, one is Symfony (for the back-end, mostly something called Symfony Services, but also a bit of Doctrine if you want to look at database issues), the other is Angular for the front-end.

They are more complex, but they are also repetitive - in a positive way. Everything that is back-end in v8 is a Symfony service. So you end up doing the same thing whether you’re writing new code for a customization, or extending or replacing core code, etc. Once you get used to it, it starts flowing really well.

I don’t have much experience on the front-end side yet, but there I would say there’s a lot more complexity, but the advantages are numerous. You get a consistent experience managing data and views - no more of those stupid errors that plague v7 where you can’t even take a simple field value from a screen to the DB and back without messing it up. In Angular, to change a field as it appears in a view is simply to assign a new value to the variable that corresponds to that field. That’s it.

There’s also the asynchronicity and the dynamics of the screens, all modern, all tidy and well designed.

v7 is the wild west - fun, radical, free, but yes, chaotic and dangerous
v8 is the city - functional, scalable, stable, but yes, some rules apply :slight_smile:

Still, there might be ways of getting the best of both worlds, I suppose you can make an Angular component that displays generic HTML, maybe it’s there in core somewhere, already.