Inside agent assigning leads to Outside agent?

I have two sets of lead owners, inside agents and outside agents. A client comes in, the inside agent takes the lead, works on it then Assigns it to an outside agent. Right now the Agent Role is setup as Owner across the board

I get "You do not have access to this area. Contact your site administrator to obtain access.

I tried changing the Agent Role. View to Owner, Edit to Group. that didn’t work

I have one Sales Group. My other option is to create a transferred lead security group and give everyone that group access. Can the agents move the leads to a new security group?
but then everyone sees everyone’s transferred leads and I have to teach everyone about security groups and filters

Any suggestions?

Just a question: are you assigning the records themselves to security groups? Because that’s the part of the puzzle people usually don’t get, at first.

That’s what should make the “Groups” roles work as intended: you need to assign the leads to the group you want to see things.

To assign a lead you can either use the “security groups” subpanel in the Lead’s detail view, or you can “mass assign” from the Leads list view.

right now all the leads are in the one sales security group but the Agents roles are set to view/edit Owner. the Manager role is set to view/edit Group.

But I don’t want the agents to see all the leads, just be able to assign and get rid of a lead

I’m sorry, then you’ll have to try and explain your problem better: above, when you wrote

Who gets that error, trying to access what?

Basically, what I’m not understanding is this: if you just want people to see their assigned records, working just with the “assigned to” mechanism and the “owner” role is fine. When do you need more people to see additional records?

In the agent account, when they click on assign the lead, that’s where the agent gets the "You do not have access to this area. Contact your site administrator to obtain access.

A lead comes in and gets assigned to Agent A who sees and works only their own leads. Then Agent A needs to assign the lead to Agent B (and Agent A does not need to see it again)

Mine is inside agent to outside agent but it could be to another territory or product group

Ok, correct me if I’m still not seeing this properly, but it seems that your scheme is actually working, you assign from one to the other, and the record stops being seen by the “inside agent”, and starts being seen by the “outside agent”.

Could it be that your problem is simply that after you assign, SuiteCRM is trying to send you back to the record’s page, but that page is no longer visible to him?

So this could be just a matter of making SuiteCRM handle the assignment more elegantly?

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I tested it and it does assign, the error message has a 3 seconds countdown timer and then goes back to the homepage. Maybe a shorter timer would be good but it does what I need. On to the next issue :slight_smile: