Inline editing - Warning: Missing argument 5 for formatDisplayValue()


I upgraded to 7.3. Inline editing (after updating and hitiing enter causes):

Warning: Missing argument 5 for formatDisplayValue(), called in /home/swzycie/domains/…/public_html/include/InlineEditing/InlineEditing.php on line 332 and defined in /home/…/public_html/include/InlineEditing/InlineEditing.php on line 337

However, after refreshing the value is updated…

Does anyone else has similiar problem?

best wishes,

Please suppress warnings/notices in your php.ini and restart your apache webservice.

Thanx for hint.

It resolved the issue :slight_smile:

have a nice day,

HI, bro, i found the solution now. change ur code in 337 line to :

function formatDisplayValue($bean, $value, $vardef, $method = “save”, $view= ‘false’)


function formatDisplayValue($bean, $value, $vardef, $method = “save”, $view=null)

i believe ur problem will be solved.hope this can help other.

instead of $view = null, I 'd rather propose a $view = “ListView”.

This is due to the function call on line 332 which does not pass the fifth argument,
so a default value needs to be given in the function declaration.

See image for details.

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:stuck_out_tongue: thank u for the nice work u did.