inline editing, logic hooks, bean controller


is the inline editing triggering the bean logic hooks or the bean controller, like clicking the save button in editView?

Kind Regards

It saves via the bean so logic hooks will trigger

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I have a follow up questions. i have a logic hook doing some calculations before save and it’s working fine. But the problem is, when the record is edited inline, the new values don’t update on the front end unless I manually refresh the page. Any ideas how i can update the UI as well? Thanks

Same issue here - we have workflow items that are not triggering when updating status fields via inline editing.

even updating sales stage via inline editing is not updating the probability on opportunities module

Looking for answers…in my testing of inline editing on a list view, when I double-click on pencil and don’t actually change value of the field and then click the check mark to confirm, my logic hook is firing. When I double-click on pencil and then click checkbox (change value to true) and then click the check mark to confirm, my logic hook is not firing. I need to populate a date field when the checkbox turns to true so it’s not working for me.

@gwsimon you’ve posted on a 7 year-old thread…

Maybe start your own thread, and remember to say your SuiteCRM and PHP versions, please.

And my first tip about your issue, assuming this is v8, is to click on the pencil, don’t double-click.