Hi, does anyone else is having troubles with inline edit? v7.3.1
After saving the change in the field we get an “undefined” label in the screen (this happens with Safari for example in both templates)
With mozilla only occurs with the the old template.
It seems that inline edit does not work very well specially with the old template.
On a side note, it seems that inLine Edit allows to change fields like “create time” (although changes won’t be applied, but you need to refresh the page to get the original value). Read Only fields shouldn’t have the option to be modified in the first place.
Any plans on changing that behaviour? Otherwise it’s confusing, specially for the end-user.
1.) Go to Admin > System Settings
2.) Uncheck BOTH inline editing check boxes. There’s one for detail view and another for list view. (Save changes)
3.) Do a quick repair and rebuild
4.) Go back to Admin > System Settings
5.) Re-Check both inline editing check boxes. (Save Changes)
and afterwards do a Quick Repair/Rebuild and clear your browser’s cache.
I’m having exactly the same issue. Just upgraded to 7.3 today. I see this issue with Suite7 template, but it doesn’t seem to affect the SuiteR template. I tried the above repair and it did not resolve the issue.
The edit takes and refreshing the screen will not have “undefined” in the field, so this issue is cosmetic, but annoying.