Good Day - thanks in advance for your time.
Version 7.7.9 Sugar Version 6.5.24 (Build 509)
I am trying to get some more information on the function/processes of ‘Unified Search’. Can you provide any good
links or pointers to documentation that will help educate me more on the subject?
- Global Search (Advanced) uses OR for the strings entered. Correct?
The issue that is being reported is that a search for an email address does not return the appropriate contact and is a lot of data (due to the OR, I think).
- A Global Search seems to default to the Advanced Search solution. Correct?
When a search is done, there is a specific test email that is being used, the Advanced Search does not return the Contact.
IF the ‘Use Basic Search’ is selected the results return the Contact. (The searched email address string is only in the Email Address as text for the Contact).
Here is an example:
- I create an Account as “Account, Inc.”
- I create a Contact as “A Person”
- I add the email “ilovesuite@crm.test” as the email address for “A Person”
Then I do a Global Search for “ilovesuite@crm.test”
This returned results but not the Contact.
IF I select ‘Use Basic Search’, the Contact is found.
- So, why the difference?
- Does Global Search / Advanced look at the email address?
- Does there need to be some refresh or prime of a search set before emails can be found? How to do this?
Below are some of the URL I have read through:
(Not sure these are all correct detail for the SuiteCRM Version 7.7.9 Sugar Version 6.5.24 (Build 509) installed version but it was a start)
- Do I need to provide more details?
Thanks again for your attention.