Increase Area, Decrease Area Hk

I’m new to SuiteCRM yet. I want to learn and see what can be done. So I have a question about what I need the most.

I only want to have Name, Surname, Phone and E-Mail options in Add Contact option. Other I don’t want all options to appear on the screen. Is there a menu where I can enable or disable them?

Another Topic: I want to add additional fields to the Phone Call record. For example, Device Name, Model, Interview Result. Can I add these?

Hi, welcome.

Have a look at the Documentation:

And specifically for some of your questions, check out Studio:

Hi @pge

I checked this section. I understand you can do a lot of work in the Studio area. But in the Add contact section, for example, there are Business Phone and Mobile Phone fields. I want to remove the Business Phone option from them. But in the Studio area, they’re lifting both at the same time. Can’t we make individual transactions?

In my Studio, I can handle the two fields separately.

Exactly in which part of Studio are you? I am in Studio / Contacts / Layouts / Edit view.

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