I’ve recently began using the inbound emails to automatically create cases. It was running smoothly in the beginning but I’ve been noticing issues when it comes to it reading emails and saving it.
Some errors I’ve gotten are
“Error inserting into table: emails_text: Query Failed:”
MySQL error 1366: Incorrect string value: ‘\xE9 …’ for column ‘description_html’ at row 1
It seems to be stopping the rest of the mail from being processed. Sometimes these emails contain attachments but not always.
Looking at the job queue table I’ve also starting to get errors like:
Warning [2]: stat(): stat failed for upload/3650013d-4e34-25a7-de61-5c1e22bb5a45 in /srv/www/htdocs/pathtosuite/include/upload_file.php on line 821
Any help would be appreciated. I am running SuiteCRM v. 7.8.0. We do plan on upgrading to 7.10 in a few weeks.