Inbound Emails are not imported

Hi there,

Inbound email import does not work at all. Neither Import, Reply or Reply all finishes. No error messages in the UI. I first I get an empty white screen. When I click in the browser (Page back) I see a “waiting screen”. This one does never end … Tried on Firefox and Safari (MacOS).

Inbound configuration seems to be ok, because I can select IMAP folders.
I can also delete an email from the IMAP server.

I tried with and without SSL to be activated.
I tried PHP Versions 8.2/8.3 and finally 7.4 . Attached PHP Info.

From the log file:
Sun Jun 16 11:10:10 2024 [3701144][1][ERROR] Field date_due expecting datetime format, but got value:
Sun Jun 16 11:10:10 2024 [3701144][1][ERROR] Field date_start expecting datetime format, but got value:
Sun Jun 16 11:10:15 2024 [3701144][1][FATAL] ImapHandler trying to use a non valid resource stream.

Regards Alex

Without a working Email a CRM is simply useless.
After testing Version 7 and 8 without success I close this case.

@ademmler I can assure you both inbound and outbound email work and lots of people are using it. If you want to get to the bottom of it we can help. Depending on your version PHP 8.2 is not supported, there are also many other configuration issues that could impact this.

Let us know if you’d like to troubleshoot, there are lots of people here happy to help you.

Thank you - but I have not time for this. I have deinstalled SUITE CRM and use now another CRM.