Inbound email settings not working after upgrading from 7.12 to 7.14.4

Hi all, after upgrading form 7.12 to 7.14.4 via wizard, without any errors, I cannot access the Inbound email settings. I’ve deleted the previous entry because was not editable (same error I think) and now, when I try to add new inbound enail or new bouncing inbound email the page remain empty and I get the 500 error (in attachment ). I’ve already try to quick repair and to repair inbound module, without success.

Thanks in advance

I’m using php 8.2.21

Hello Frank,

a 500 server error is rather generic and has mostly to do with the server.

What do you CRM logs say?

And in case, the problem doesn’t become clear from that log, what does your server logs say?
Where these are, depends on your server config, often they are in /var/log/apache - but you’ll find the details in your vhost and/or server config.

I assume, you’ve checked and stuck to the compatibilty matrix.
If not, that would probably the best to start from.

Hi Bastian, I’ve discovered that the problem disappeared if I rename my "custom"folder.
Probably the old code don’t work anymore with the new php version!
What’s the best practice in this case?
Do I’ve to recreate the custom folder with all the new files and then customize them again?

Ah, very good indicator!

Now, it depends a bit, on how you’ve built up / documented everything.

In the best / easiest case, you’d just check the different PHP versions (I assume you’re on a new version now?) and see, what of your custom code is deprecated / unsupported.

But it could be anything else now as well.
Maybe you’re using deprecated API calls?
Maybe you had some other libraries which don’t work anymore with some changes now?
Maybe the SQL statemens in your custom code contain details, that will be working differently from before and therefore breaking?

But the good things is, that you’ve identified the culprit.
Now, you’d just need to upgrade & fix your custom code.
I hope it’s not a lot, then it might be just a quick and easy win.