Inbound Email - Missing email address from Case + Import Email fails due to no Email Address


Bitnami SuiteCRM Docker
SuiteCRM v7.14.3
Sugar Version 6.5.25 (Build 344)

Steps to replicate:

  1. “Admin” → “Inbound Email” → “New Group Inbound Email Account”
  2. Created a IMAP with Basic Auth (Monitored Folders: Inbox)
  3. Ticked “Import Emails Automictically” (test2@xxx.xx)+ "Create Case from Email (Case Email Template: Case Creation)
  4. Crate a contact with that email address (test@xxx.xx)
  5. Send an email to (Test2@xxx.xx) from the contact email address (Test@xxx.xx)

I send emails from GMAIL & Office365 to this IMAP Inbox but after about 10 emails I stopped seeing “Email Address” field being filled when I open each case & due to email address field missing my emails don’t get added either.

Additionally I noticed that “Emails” Module the columns were empty for “To”, “From” or “Subject” in order to fix this issue I made changes to the below file to resolve it.

/bitnami/suitecrm/modules/InboundEmail/InboundEmail.php on line 4867

Please can someone review why the “Email Address” field is missing from my Cases + also from my imported emails.

(Possibly it’s something to do with character set of the emails which broke it but not sure)

Many Thanks

The Docker images I used are:-

Docker image: Docker: Accelerated Container Application Development
Docker image: Docker: Accelerated Container Application Development

I have included the Locale information just in case that might affect displaying items.

“Admin” → “Locale”

  • Default Cahracter Set for Import & Export = ISO-8859-1
  • Collation = utf8mb3_general_ci
  • Language = English (US)