Inbould email woes

EDIT: I am a dumbass. Had to enable IMAP on gmail. All is good. Read on for cringeworthiness

Real life I.T. imposter here. I code as well as a baby saying dada for the first time. But I’ve built three websites via pagebuilder and scrape by with grabbing chunks of code from stackexchange and hoping for the best. I’m stubborn, not smart.

So now I decide to host/use SuiteCRM with my ISP because I really don’t like the 3rd party one my brokerage offers us for free.

And I think now I am in very deep waters, maybe even drowning…

I can send emails (gmail) and access all my contacts but anytime I try to do anything with setting up inbound emails the page will refuse to load after I make changes. It simply times out, like it did a minute ago. I will be able to log back in a half hour from now. I really don’t have a clue as to what I am doing.

I have filezilla and know how to access my installation (I’ve done a small bit of editing on my website) via SFTP and also have MyPHPadmin but don’t have a clue what to do with that interface.


Glad to see you got it resolved, haha!

Let us know if anything else pops up, and welcome to the forums! :slight_smile: