In the "SMTP Server Specification" section of Step 2 of 2 - Configuration

i’m looking for someone to reassure me of the relationship between this email address:

“From” Name:
“From” Address:

and the:
Gmail Email Address
Yahoo! Mail ID
Exchange Username
SMTP Username

my impression is the
“From” Name
“From” Address
will be used in whatever Email provider is to be used

Hey there

Are you still requiring info around this?

Are you referring to this section here?:

I believe the two fields:
““From” Name”
““From” Address”

Will dictate what the CRM uses when sending Email FROM the CRM

So you can set it to whatever you’d like
(However, do note that some Email Providers, such as Gmail, are a little stricter on this, and may require you to enter the same Email address as you entered in SMTP Username)

You can find further Email Documentation here:

Please let us know if you have any further questions!