in ListView, once the delete is finished, the list view is refreshed - how to disable this?


I am running suitecrm Version 7.7.5. I have 4000+ contacts. When I delete contact in ListView, once the delete is finished, the list view is refreshed and I need to go manually to the last page.

How to stay on the same page once the record is deleted in the list view?


This may be a bit difficult to do. You’d need to override the Mass Update form to include the page offset then capture that. Is there any way you can sort in List View so the records you are deleting are on the first page?

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Thanks for the reply, I will try to modify that. There is actually no way. We are cleaning up the contacts, 1 by 1. So it is quite annoying.

Mass Update is what ever is selected from the DROPdown menu?

Should I look into JS or PHP?


A different strategy would be to “mark for deletion” instead of deleting them immediately.

For example: when you examine a record that should be deleted, set some known value in some field (either a new field for that purpose, or just use an unused field).

Then once in a while do a search for that value on that field; select all; mass delete all of them. Make sure you use a field that you can search on in the list view to make things easier.