In calender module i got error - Error: Query limit of 1000 reached for Calendar module

Hi All,

If some user getting error while going to calender module.

Error: Query limit of 1000 reached for Calendar module

How to resolve this.??

Hi All,
I got a solution.

Edit file: config_override.php

$sugar_config[‘resource_management’][‘default_limit’] = 2500;

You can add additional modules into the “special query limit” section.

Edit file: config_override.php

$sugar_config[‘resource_management’] =
array (
‘special_query_limit’ => 50000,
‘special_query_modules’ =>
array (
0 => ‘Reports’,
1 => ‘Export’,
2 => ‘Import’,
3 => ‘Administration’,
4 => ‘Sync’,
5 => ‘Accounts’, // To increase the query limit of 1,000 reached for Accounts module to “special_query_limit” (50,000)
6 => ‘Contacts’, // To increase the query limit of 1,000 reached for Contacts module to “special_query_limit” (50,000)
7 => ‘Leads’, // To increase the query limit of 1,000 reached for Leads module to “special_query_limit” (50,000)
8 => ‘Meetings’, // To increase the query limit of 1,000 reached for Meetings module to “special_query_limit” (50,000)
9 => ‘Calls’, // To increase the query limit of 1,000 reached for Calls module to “special_query_limit” (50,000)
10 => ‘Tasks’, // To increase the query limit of 1,000 reached for Calls module to “special_query_limit” (50,000)
‘default_limit’ => 1000,

For more examples check this link