Importing record into custom module

I have created custom modules and would like to import several record into it.

In the Import Wizard, I don’t see my custom module on list. How do I add it? Thanks.


I believe that Importing for Custom Modules is something that you’d enable when you are creating the custom module in the Module Builder.

If you hadn’t enabled Importing at that stage, i think it might still be possible to re-enable it.

There is a piece of SugarCRM documentation that details this:

As SuiteCRM was forked from SugarCRM CE, I believe the section on that page under “Sugar 6” should apply.

(Though, I haven’t attempted it myself so I can’t confirm, But I would recommend taking a backup before making any changes, just to be safe)

Hopefully that article helps!

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The steps outlined under Sugar 6 works perfectly. Thanks!!