Imported excel data not able to edit and save

The records imported through Excel cannot be edited and saved if any changes are required. However, if I create a new record within the application and later edit it, I am able to save the changes.

Is there any solution for this?

Exact steps to reproduce?
Would you try the steps on the online demo, and verify it fails there also?

Does editview just not work, or does editview work, just not save?

I’ve had that happen before on upload when you inadvertently populate a relate field with a bad value like a space. It’s not appearant that the field has a value in it and the record won’t save. If you have a blank or mispopulated relate field click on the “x” to empty the field and see if it will save. Not sure if that’s your issue but I did this once and the symptoms were similar.

fixed this issue!
the modified_by_id was having garbage values in the table so changed that to 1… now its working fine