Important Announcement! SuiteCRM enters a new era

End of an era, beginning of a new one

Greg Soper, the owner of SalesAgility has decided to retire. He was the founder and owner of the company behind SuiteCRM and played an instrumental role in driving forward the open source CRM landscape for the last 15 years. As part of that retirement, SalesAgility will no longer be trading.

While this news may cause concern to some, we feel this presents an opportunity for our staff, clients and the open source community in general.

As SalesAgility comes to an end, we are pleased to confirm that the existing team will continue to manage and support the SuiteCRM application as SuiteCRM Ltd. We would like to assure you that from a practical standpoint, other than a change in name, the day to day running of the business will remain as it was. Over time, we intend to far exceed your expectations and drive the software forward with new vigour and determination.

Over the next few weeks you will notice the gradual retirement of the SalesAgility brand. We will look back at our successes, consider where things could’ve been done differently and plan our strategy for the future. We acknowledge that at certain periods in the past, the community has not had the time and attention it deserves. This is an opportunity to learn and change for the better.

At this point, would like to thank Greg for his work over the last 15 years and wish him well in his retirement. Likewise, we’d also like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who has used and supported SuiteCRM. That includes the clients of SalesAgility, who are now serviced by SuiteCRM Ltd or to the project collaborators and contributors.

Your involvement through community collaboration, code contributions, language packs, improvements to our documentation or one of the many other ways is fundamental to the project. We hope to build stronger links with you all in due course.

The future of SuiteCRM is in safe hands, especially with your involvement! We look forward to the new era.

The team at SuiteCRM


Ok thank you so much for clarifying! Many of us saw the filing of closing down SalesAgility publicly and were kind of freaked out. I’m so relieved as I’m sure are many others. I’ve been an avid SuiteCRM user and promoter for over 10 years. I come from a Sales background and I really love SuiteCRM. I was so worried it would be gone. I think this is a wakeup call for all of us to contribute however we can from testing, bug reporting, bug resolution and financially where we can.


Thank you for your support @pstevens

I totally agree with @pstevens.

Deep and never ending thanks to Greg Soper. I wish him All the Best.

I’m definitely happy and really feel relieved that the SuiteCRM project is alive and moving on. You @suitecrm_team deserve our thanksgiving and our help and you’ll have warm news about it from us soon.

Thank you again


just out of curiosity . if this is a planned handover why do you file insolvency of the company holding al assets and liquidate the company? Why not just hand it over properly? Any insights ion this procedure would also be appreciated. And why did SalesAgility go bancrupt?

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I’m sure right now they are working hard at trying to re-organize things to ensure continued operations. Maybe let’s give them a few days before we start pushing hard questions on them. I would much rather see a strong future for SuiteCRM than push for immediate answers.


I believe when SugarCRM stopped their Community Edition several forks came out. Even before. I still believe it might be best to align and collaborate. From SpiceCRM side we are open - and code wise likely ahead of most others. But that I leave up to the team to maybe take the break from the legacy and look at a brighter future. Of course everyone can try to do their own and struggle - and maybe end like SalesAgility in insolvency and liquidation. Or join forces and be stronger together.

And no - this is not a tough question … :slight_smile:

PS: but I assume I will be blocked here anyway pretty soon .


That’s good to hear.
The team there have done a great job for the community -and we have every faith in them moving forward.

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A New Chapter for SuiteCRM – Our Full Support for the Team

First of all, we would like to express our gratitude to Greg Soper for his dedication and contributions over the past 15 years. His vision and commitment have made SuiteCRM what it is today – a powerful, flexible, and truly open-source CRM that is trusted by businesses worldwide. We wish him all the best in his well-earned retirement!

While change always brings challenges, we see this transition as a huge opportunity for the SuiteCRM project and its community. The fact that the existing team will continue managing and developing SuiteCRM under SuiteCRM Ltd. is great news and ensures continuity for all users, contributors, and businesses relying on the platform.

As a long-time SuiteCRM partner and one of the largest providers in the DACH region, we want to reaffirm our full support for the new team. We are optimistic about the future and are looking forward to seeing SuiteCRM grow and evolve with fresh energy and new perspectives.

To the SuiteCRM Ltd. team – you have our trust and backing! We are excited to continue working alongside you and the entire community to help shape the next era of SuiteCRM together.

Let’s make this new chapter a success! :rocket:


I been using SuiteCRm for a long time now, and before that SugarCRM CE so this is excting to hear. I hope this will be a great step forward and improvement for SuiteCRM that will attract more people to it! :+1:

Also a big thanks to Greg Soper. I wish him aall the best too! :smiley:

Kind regards

Lets hope the New Team would involve community to take Key Decisions and develop a road map that it supported by whole community.

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First, thanks. I’ve been using this CRM since 2010 with Sugar and the evolution has really been significant. There are major challenges, and I’m making proposals to SuiteCRM Ltd.

  1. A fundraising campaign for the summer. I suggest an opportunity to donate $50, $80, or $100. If we recruit at least 500 donors, we can have a significant fund for SuiteCRM Ltd. to advance projects; it could even be an annual campaign.

  2. A roadmap with surveys and community webinars should be developed during the spring.

  3. Some features to consider in the SuiteCRM package, not modules:

  • Kanba visualization
  • Improved address management
  • Social media integration
  • Build a portal via WordPress to handle cases, update account and contact data, and evolve into projects, events, etc.
  • Quick and easy integration with chat software like WhatsApp
  • AI implementation, should be in place by 2025, but at least by the summer of 2026, we should have data queries with some AI and integration, ej Chat Gpt, others.

Again, I may not have been very active in recent months, but I’m a fan, follower, and believer in this initiative. I have experience with large solutions like SAP and Sales Force, but at Suitecrm, we have a platform that’s gold.

Greetings to all.
Manuel, from Colombia