Import problem: AOS_Utils.php- Undefined property

When I tried to import invoices I got the following and can not get the imported data right. Can anybody please help? Thanks.

Although this is a NOTICE, but it affects the import: the imported data has lost values!

@pgr, may I interrupt you again for help? Thanks!

NOTICE: [8] Undefined property: AOS_Invoices::$currency_id on line 40 in file //public_html/modules/AOS_Products_Quotes/AOS_Utils.php

I have no idea. Maybe you don’t have a “currency_id” (whatever that is) on one of your lines?

Try the import with a smaller file, just remove lines until it works; then you find out exactly which line is breaking it.

Then give us that one-line file that causes the error and we can test it.

Hi @pgr,

Thanks for your attention.

Yes I found i HAVE to input a value for Currency field in the import file. If I do a customized layout and make the Current field invisible, even I input invoice record in the system and export it, then I edit the exported file and then I try the import process, I can still get the error message.

This means the system makes Currency field a “MUST input” field and this can not be changed.

Anyway, I can get the error message disappear now by make the currency field a “MUST fill” field.

But I still think might be a small bug which needs the developer’s attention.

Thanks again for your kind help.

Best wishes.

Yes, it would be nice to make a bug report.

Can you please provide a csv file with:

  • one single line of data
  • that causes the error
  • that was created by an export from SuiteCRM

This will be a great test case and will illustrate what is wrong: either the field should be mandatory and then the export should include it; or it shouldn’t be mandatory and then the import should not fail when it’s missing.