Import custom fields in modules like contact and leads

We have installed SuiteCRM 8, we have data from inshgtly and hubspot with number of custom fields were added to contact, leads and other modules.

We are looking for a way to import all the data and custom fields to Suite CRM 8 .

We have custom fields in every module and many many fields to be added. Add custom fields one by one in every module is lengthy and required time, if there is a way to import fields so data will be imported accurate, save time and value.

Any suggestions and help will be highly appreciated.


This would be good to look in the Suite store.
For example this module looks like it would do what you need:

They offer a free trial of this module I’d suggest to get the free trial, and then message their tech support for help during the free trial period, to get it to work properly and import all your data and custom fields, from hubspot and insightly, automatically into your Suite 8.

Thanks for the suggestion. I will check this module, try to import the fields as required.


What I do (not exactly what you want but a real time saver), is create the fields in LEADS, then copy them over to Contats/Account/Opportunities as appropriate.

Here’s an example to copy from LEADS to CONTACTS

insert into fields_meta_data 
select concat('Contacts', name), name, vname, comments, help, 'Contacts', type, len, required, default_value, date_modified, deleted, audited, massupdate, duplicate_merge, reportable, importable, ext1, ext2, ext3, ext4 
from fields_meta_data 
where custom_module='Leads' and name not like 'jjwg%';

Step 2: Copy the field labels:



cut and paste them here:


Step 3:

Copy the vardef files. I use Notepad++ to change all the file contents from “Lead” to “Contact”

  • Copy the vardefs folder from /custom/extension/modules/{module name=LEADS}/Ext/Vardefs

  • Copy to a folder on desktop. Use Notepad ++ and search and replace in folder to replace “Lead” with “Contact” in the files definitions.

  • Copy the edited files back to the server in /custom/extension/modules/{module name=CONTACTS}/Ext/Vardefs