Hello Guys,
Have you ever been confronted to set up multiple role on SuiteCRM, and did someone find a solution to import this?
Thank a lot, for your help!
Sorry, please explain better what you’re trying to do, I don’t think I understand…
Are you talking about Roles as in Admin / Roles management? Why do you need many?
In fact, I would like to mass update or create in bulk mode Role instead of create Role one by one in the menu admin > Role and select each rights for each objects.
That function doesn’t exist, probably because setting up a role is more complicated than most modules in SuiteCRM. It involves different users, a special screen with access type per module, etc.
You could do it from the database, if you take the trouble of understanding the structure there but, as I said, it’s not very simple.
You could also question why you need many roles - if you use security groups and inheritance correctly, I don’t think you need many. The key thing to remember is that you can assign multiple groups to each record, so you can effectively combine Roles.