I’ve been having problems with the Check Inbound Mailboxes,
IMAP wrapper called: ImapHandler::isAvailable([])
IMAP wrappers return: ImapHandler::isAvailable(…) => false
------------------------- IMAP libraries NOT available!!! die()ing thread.----
Trying to connect to mailserver for [ Tickets ]
SCHEDULERS: could not get an IMAP connection resource for ID [ 42d58576-d15f-e132-65e3-566e34a39e00 ]. Skipping mailbox [ Tickets ].
public function isAvailable()
$this->logCall(FUNCTION, func_get_args());
$ret = function_exists(“imap_open”) && function_exists(“imap_timeout”);
$this->logReturn(FUNCTION, $ret);
return $ret;
but when I try to dump the value of : function_exists(“imap_open”) && function_exists(“imap_timeout”) in a separate file, both of them returns true.
I have no idea why it returns false when it is called in cron
I’m using SuiteCRM 7.10.18
Thanks in advance!