Images Showing in PDF Template but not in the Print/Email PDF

Hey so i was having issues in making the images show in my PDF Prints/Emails, after a while searching for fixes and being unsucessfull i activated the error logs on the PDF Engine “/bitnami/suitecrm/public/legacy/vendor/tecnickcom/tcpdf/config/tcpdf_config.php” and added this “define(‘K_TCPDF_THROW_EXCEPTION_ERROR’, true);” so that the errors in the generation shows in the logs of apache.

In the logs shown permission denied errors for the generation of the images and after find that my apache user was “daemon” i did a chown of the “/opt/bitnami/php/tmp/” files like this “chown daemon:daemon /opt/bitnami/php/tmp/” and now images are showing.

Please tell me if this assists you or if you require more help.

I will try to be active now since i just created an account to help you guys :wink:

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Yeah, I tried on the demo instance and it is bug. You could raise an issue on suitecrm github.

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Thanks for verifying.

I really apreciate it, pstevens had an issue pulled on github so i answered it in hopes that its the same issue.

Issue Raised in Github