Image get breaks inside contact edit view

Hello Team,

I have created an image field (data type=image) for uploading image inside contact module.

As I upload an image and view it in edit view, the image is showing as breaking image.

I have checked the permission of upload folder inside root directory and give all necessary permission to upload folder.

Please suggest as we have demo tonight.



you can start by checking if you can upload picture on the Users/Employees module, this way you avoid any problems with your custom module and focus your test on the images.

Then don’t be so sure your permissions on the upload folder are correct. There are many factors to consider:

  • permissions on the folder
  • ownsership on the folder
  • sticky bit on the folder so newly created files get the same permissions
  • permissions settings in config.php
  • possible .htaccess file restricting access

so you might need to give more information and look closer…