Icons for custom modules

Thank you it works great, the only thing is that when I go to the https://salesagility.github.io/SuiteP-Icon-Font/index.html and look at the content codes they do not seem to match any longer. For example exploding icon (used for leads) is ā€œ\f1a0ā€ on that page, but when I look at the markup I see ā€œ\f1a8ā€, do you know where itā€™s possible to find the latest most up to date list?

UPDATE: found here https://www.sagebeacon.ai/dnd/themes/SuiteP/css/suitep-base/suitepicon.html

Thank you


variant 1:

  • take the file themes/SuiteP/css/suitep-base/suitepicon.woff
  • drop to the service

variant 2:

  • open in browser the file themes/SuiteP/css/suitep-base/suitepicon.html

I donā€™t know how relevant the file of the second variant but the first has the file which using in SuiteCRM directly.

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thank you , i packaged everything into a quick video:



Thanks for the vid.

But how do I put the css in an installable zip to ship the custom module to a different installation?
And I dont want to overwrite the css on the target, it might have modifications already.
They might even have a custom theme.

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good points, but iā€™m not 100% sure that thatā€™s doable

after posting, I investigated further. Suppose you put the style.css in the zip into a subfolder ā€œcssā€, you can add to the manifest.php following structure.

$installdefs['copy'][] = array (   
  'from' => '<basepath>/css',
  'to' => 'custom/themes/' . 
    SugarThemeRegistry::current() . '/css/' .

(Here written in a shorter version, might be better to declared it in the existing ā€œ$installdefsā€ definition.)

The installation routine will but the style.css in the correct folder.

The next problem I see is that you somehow have to empty


before the style.css will be considered.

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you can empty


by adding


to the manifest.

But the next problem is the browser cache keeping the old css.

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Excellent comments! I added a link to this thread in the vid

Hi everyone,
Iā€™ve read the whole post exchange regarding replacing an icon for a custom module in the sub menu, how can I go about replacing the icon with a custom non-suitepicon icon?

For use of any picture as icon you may use content like this:

.suitepicon-module-accounts:before{content: url("/themes/SuiteR/images/icon_Products.gif") }

thanksā€¦ why is it such a PITA to use custom icons? you have to manually edit the color for each icon for each subtheme too

Icons are not visible.


Also, not able to open this on browser.


How to add icon from internet to custom modules in CRM?

I canā€™t view icons on browser.


Does this work for anyone else?

Using SCRM 7.14

As per Gunnicom post above;

I have a simple 32 x 32 gif for a custom module. Put it in themes/SuiteP/images/

Added style.css in custom/themes/SuiteP/css/Dawn/
as follows;

.suitepicon-module-policies:before {
content: url(ā€œ/themes/SuiteP/images/umbrella-32.gifā€);

No matter what url I use I cannot get the gif to appear.

Any ideas please.



Solved it. Needed a more complete url;

.suitepicon-module-policies:before {
content: url(ā€œ/crm/themes/SuiteP/images/umbrella-32.gifā€);


Are you able to update icon at all places for your custom module POLICIES?

Like sidebar, subpanel and browser tab?

Sorry for looonngg delay in reply. Didnā€™t notice it.

Yes, I get the icons in all the right places.

I have added a custom image icon for my custom chart dashlet module option, but I am unable to modify its CSS style. Specifically, I cannot adjust its width, height, or color. How can I achieve this, or could you please guide me on where I might be going wrong? I have attempted this with both .svg and .png files

    content: url("/custom/themes/SuiteP/images/filter.png");

Did you do Hard reload & cache clear on your browser?

yeah i did cleared all the cache and tried repair and build also.