Icons for custom modules

Thank you all. Create a style.css under folder custom/themes/SuiteP/css/Dawn, it works!

Thank you all.

but i have custom module with name ā€œgg_testā€, need write ā€œgg-testā€, and it works.

@Sigla, what are you talking about? I donā€™t understand.

real module name gg_test, not Working:
.suitepicon-module-gg_test :before{content:"\f1b8"}

if cange to gg-test, (not use _ replace with -) itā€™s works fine

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Does this fix still work? I tried it - put it Dawn, Day, Dusk and Night - nothing.

tried with ā€œ_ā€ and with ā€œ-ā€ - nada

Iā€™ve tried replacing the .svg files in the custom/themes/default/images folders

Running out of ideasā€¦yes i am doing a Q R&R

it still works for me.
Try write module name in lower case.
When add code, allways make ā€œquick repairā€. Clear browser cashe.

Path to file: ā€¦/custom/themes/SuiteP/css/style.css.
For each module I write code in separate lines.
I always chose from existing icons gallery. Trying different choices for icons f1b8, f14a, f149, f1c2.
Gallery example: https://salesagility.github.io/SuiteP-Icon-Font/index.html


Thanks for more ideas - I hadnā€™t tried the all lower case. Unfortunately it also did not work. Yes, I am doing an QR&R and ctrl+F5

BUTā€¦what did work is having them all on separate lines! Thanks so much - sometimes itā€™s the simple things. Hopefully this helps others down the road :slight_smile:

Iā€™m having issues with the codes (the ones I chose are not the ones showing up - including an icon that is not on that link - so I think they have been updated, but that is a much more manageable situation!)


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Thank you it works great, the only thing is that when I go to the https://salesagility.github.io/SuiteP-Icon-Font/index.html and look at the content codes they do not seem to match any longer. For example exploding icon (used for leads) is ā€œ\f1a0ā€ on that page, but when I look at the markup I see ā€œ\f1a8ā€, do you know where itā€™s possible to find the latest most up to date list?

UPDATE: found here https://www.sagebeacon.ai/dnd/themes/SuiteP/css/suitep-base/suitepicon.html

Thank you


variant 1:

  • take the file themes/SuiteP/css/suitep-base/suitepicon.woff
  • drop to the service

variant 2:

  • open in browser the file themes/SuiteP/css/suitep-base/suitepicon.html

I donā€™t know how relevant the file of the second variant but the first has the file which using in SuiteCRM directly.

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thank you , i packaged everything into a quick video:



Thanks for the vid.

But how do I put the css in an installable zip to ship the custom module to a different installation?
And I dont want to overwrite the css on the target, it might have modifications already.
They might even have a custom theme.

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good points, but iā€™m not 100% sure that thatā€™s doable

after posting, I investigated further. Suppose you put the style.css in the zip into a subfolder ā€œcssā€, you can add to the manifest.php following structure.

$installdefs['copy'][] = array (   
  'from' => '<basepath>/css',
  'to' => 'custom/themes/' . 
    SugarThemeRegistry::current() . '/css/' .

(Here written in a shorter version, might be better to declared it in the existing ā€œ$installdefsā€ definition.)

The installation routine will but the style.css in the correct folder.

The next problem I see is that you somehow have to empty


before the style.css will be considered.

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you can empty


by adding


to the manifest.

But the next problem is the browser cache keeping the old css.

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Excellent comments! I added a link to this thread in the vid

Hi everyone,
Iā€™ve read the whole post exchange regarding replacing an icon for a custom module in the sub menu, how can I go about replacing the icon with a custom non-suitepicon icon?

For use of any picture as icon you may use content like this:

.suitepicon-module-accounts:before{content: url("/themes/SuiteR/images/icon_Products.gif") }

thanksā€¦ why is it such a PITA to use custom icons? you have to manually edit the color for each icon for each subtheme too

Icons are not visible.


Also, not able to open this on browser.


How to add icon from internet to custom modules in CRM?

I canā€™t view icons on browser.
