iCal Tasks & Project Tasks


Are tasks and Project Tasks supposed to show in iCal.

I just want to determine if there’s something wrong with my setup, or is it not actually a feature.

Calls and Events show up in iCal, but tasks do not.


I’ve narrowed this down to VTODO events not showing in any iCal reader (Google, Outlook, Apple iCal)

So, presumably SuiteCRM does actually support Tasks and Project Tasks through iCal, I just can’t get it to work.

I’ve even tried using the SuiteCRM demo server, the VTODO is showing in the ics source, it’s just not being interpreted.

Any help is appreciated.


So it turns out that Outlook doesn’t fully support iCal !

I’m going to modify \modules\iCals\iCal.php and switch tasks into events. I know it’s a bad hack, but at least they’ll show up in Outlook and can set reminders.

I will probably turn it into an installable script, if it would be useful to anyone.

Upon editing the source I found a hidden variable that I don’t think is documented anywhere.
It does exactly what I was planning - turn tasks into events for iCal. You just need to pass an extra parameter called show_tasks_as_events=1

So the full iCal URL would look like this:


Hopefully this help someone else.


This is amazing :slight_smile:

Thanks for the tip, works great :slight_smile: