I want to show the first name and last name instead of username in all view pages

Hi All,
Assigned by and Modified by user name instead of First name and Last name to show into the view and list page in suitecrm 7.10.27.


You will have an option in a user profile->Advanced(tab) to Show Full Names and also you will have a system-wide setting at Admin->System Settings->Show Full Names

[quote=“sagarjaydeep, post:2, topic:76997”]

Already i given that but it still not coming.

Have you changed it at both place?

Yes, I changed the both place.

That should not happen.

  1. Can you try re-login after applying the changes.
  2. Is it for specific module?

Can you check on your file for Assigned user name definition at custom/modules/Leads/metadata/listviewdefs.php if exist or in modules folder.

Yes, Its there in this custom/modules/Leads/metadata/listviewdefs.php page. It’s still not working. Help me any one. Now I am upgrade the version 7.10.27 into 7.11.*


Yes, that could help you. and It always good to have the latest version to security fix and new features.