I want to remove Lead/target/users in emalis

want to remove 3-4 of them in emails how or where should i edit the coe

Is this suite 7 or 8?

I think it is SuiteCRM v8.x :upside_down_face:

This is a part of the javascript file in the emails module. - Works for V8 and V7 :slight_smile:

Line 78 - 83

Remove what you do not need, save the javascript file, repair & rebuild and voila.


Awesome! these are code lines:

 self.qtipBar =
      '<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm btn-qtip-bar" data-open-popup-module="Contacts" data-open-popup-email-address-field="email1" title="' + SUGAR.language.translate('Emails', 'LBL_INSERT_CONTACT_EMAIL') + '"><span class="glyphicon"><img src="themes/' + SUGAR.themes.theme_name + '/images/sidebar/modules/Contacts.svg"></span></button>' +
      '<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm btn-qtip-bar" data-open-popup-module="Accounts" title="' + SUGAR.language.translate('Emails', 'LBL_INSERT_ACCOUNT_EMAIL') + '"><span class="glyphicon"><img src="themes/' + SUGAR.themes.theme_name + '/images/sidebar/modules/Accounts.svg"></span></button>' +
      '<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm btn-qtip-bar" data-open-popup-module="Prospects" title="' + SUGAR.language.translate('Emails', 'LBL_INSERT_TARGET_EMAIL') + '"><span class="glyphicon"><img src="themes/' + SUGAR.themes.theme_name + '/images/sidebar/modules/Prospects.svg"></span></button>' +
      '<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm btn-qtip-bar" data-open-popup-module="Users" title="' + SUGAR.language.translate('Emails', 'LBL_INSERT_USER_EMAIL') + '"><span class="glyphicon"><img src="themes/' + SUGAR.themes.theme_name + '/images/sidebar/modules/Users.svg"></span></button>' +
      '<button class="btn btn-default btn-sm btn-qtip-bar" data-open-popup-module="Leads" title="' + SUGAR.language.translate('Emails', 'LBL_INSERT_LEAD_EMAIL') + '"><span class="glyphicon"><img src="themes/' + SUGAR.themes.theme_name + '/images/sidebar/modules/Leads.svg"></span></button>';

That’s the one :slight_smile: - just be careful to put the semicolon at the end if you comment out a line change the + to ; :slight_smile:

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Works perfectly and ran it in my instance

Note that this (done this way) is not upgrade-safe. It will need to be re-applied whenever a SuiteCRM update touches that file. And that file is frequently touched…

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I think to make it upgrade-safe you could paste that file at the below location.


I forgot to add that disclaimer - my bad :sleeping: