I had received "LBL_ACTION_ERROR"

In the end, it’s the same

I ended up making the time very long, but in the end it still got an error, about 5 minutes of installation time, until there was an error, during which I observed the database, it was constantly changing, I don’t know what caused it to take a long time to install.

The total database data after each installation attempt is different.

So far, the cause of the error is probably that the installation is not finished, but I have been setting it up for a long time. Don’t know where the problem is

But he can log into the system

Try disabling workflows, logic hooks, and add-ons that might be causing infinite loops saving records.

**“LBL_ACTION_ERROR”**This error occurs at the end of the installation, not in use.

Yes, but you seem to have random generation of data. You have to try and look for any possible causes, no matter how weird they seem… right?

yes, i tried “populate database with demo data: no” and it also showed “lbl_action_error”, and i don’t know what caused this problem.

I see this error output in my browser

If you still have a lot of data being generated, and very long installation times, then I still stand by my previous suggestions. No point in trying to look at the errors in a broken installation when you know your installation process is having anomalies.

I read it briefly, and what caught my attention is that in the cases, the database user’s name is the same as the database. If someone wants to try it, it might help, regards.

I too have this error trying to install 8.6. I have a 7x no problems with installation. Using php 8.2 on alma linux 9.2. THe database is remote on a private network 10.xx.xx.xx but the database gets created. And I am able to log in but the error is wierd-exactly the same as above.

It could be permissions issue or firewall is blocking your network traffic :traffic_light: :vertical_traffic_light:

Its not firewall, maybe permission but would like to know specifically what “LBL_ACTION_ERROR” is. Everything seems to be working normally so the install worked. THe first install did NOT work, I set test data to yes, it created the database with no data. I started over by blowing away the website, setting php down to 8.2 from 8.3 and reinstalling. Still got the error but at least it installed. Probably will not use suite 8 - would rather the devs chose a more php friendly framework to upgrade -like Laravel with Vue frontend. Angular and typescript - learning curve is quite high in comparison. And where did all the 7x themes go??? Seriously, you guys have had 8, 8.1, 8.2, .3,.4,.5,.6 to add themes and all I hear is crickets. I think suite 7 is a great product I know how tough it is to be a dev but my clients they dont ask for features as much thye want me to change the frickin colors, what can I say. Customer is always right.

I can agree with you - Customers are god!

Maybe these links help you!

  1. Compatibility Matrix

  2. Running the UI Installer

  3. SuiteCRM 8 Upgrade Tutorial Walkthrough Step by Step

I am using debian/php8.1/apache2/virtualmin and i got this error, i had to select “yes” for demo data and i tried to reinstall and it finally worked… now i have to delete the demo data