I can no longer create Conditions in Reports

After upgrading, I can no longer create conditions in the Reports module !!!

Drag and drop of fields does not work.

Using Chrome on Mac OS

Works in Firefox for Mac OS :huh:

I have the same issue after upgrade to 7.10.2 where I am using Firefox in Ubuntu (59.01 64 bit on Ubuntu 16.10). It does work in Firefox on Windows 7. It did work fine in the prior version (7.9.?). I upgraded as I was unable to change dates in the calendar function throughout the system, of which this works great now after the upgrade.

The demo at https://demo.suiteondemand.com/ reports section using conditions works fine when using Firefox in Ubuntu as above. My install is on Ubuntu Server 16.04.3.



Iā€™m also having issues with Chrome, but Win 10 Pro, not Mac OS Xā€¦ cannot add conditions to reports.

SuiteCRM v7.10.2

I am having the same issue with Chrome OS 64.0.3282.190 and Chrome 65.0.3325.181 Windows 10. Also the Drop parenthesis are not working.

I think I came across this issue a few weeks ago and it does work if you click the condition instead of trying to drag and drop.

Iā€™m having the same issue in several of my SuiteCRM installations. Can drag and drop on any browser.