I am having installation Error...

I’m trying of my level best but i can’t get my solution…

my sugarcrm.log file having that error…

Wed Nov 1 07:06:13 2017 [651035][-none-][FATAL] Error creating table: aos_products_quotes: Query Failed: CREATE TABLE aos_products_quotes (id char(36) NOT NULL ,name text NULL ,date_entered datetime NULL ,date_modified datetime NULL ,modified_user_id char(36) NULL ,created_by char(36) NULL ,description text NULL ,deleted bool DEFAULT ‘0’ NULL ,assigned_user_id char(36) NULL ,currency_id char(36) NULL ,part_number varchar(255) NULL ,item_description text NULL ,number int(11) NULL ,product_qty decimal(18,4) NULL ,product_cost_price decimal(26,6) NULL ,product_cost_price_usdollar decimal(26,6) NULL ,product_list_price decimal(26,6) NULL ,product_list_price_usdollar decimal(26,6) NULL ,product_discount decimal(26,6) NULL ,product_discount_usdollar decimal(26,6) NULL ,product_discount_amount decimal(26,6) NULL ,product_discount_amount_usdollar decimal(26,6) NULL ,discount varchar(255) DEFAULT ‘Percentage’ NULL ,product_unit_price decimal(26,6) NULL ,product_unit_price_usdollar decimal(26,6) NULL ,vat_amt decimal(26,6) NULL ,vat_amt_usdollar decimal(26,6) NULL ,product_total_price decimal(26,6) NULL ,product_total_price_usdollar decimal(26,6) NULL ,vat varchar(100) DEFAULT ‘5.0’ NULL ,parent_type varchar(255) NULL ,parent_id char(255) NULL ,product_id char(36) NULL ,group_id char(36) NULL , PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY idx_aospq_par_del (parent_id, parent_type, deleted)) CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci: MySQL error 1071: Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes

While i’m triying to install …Any one guide me

thanks in advance…!!!