How would one make a list view that shows 2 different modules on the x & y axis, that relate to a third module?

I have three modules.
The first custom module is type ‘company’ and is named ‘Customers’.
The second custom module is type ‘company’ and is named ‘Vendors’.
There is a third module that is type basic, and is called ‘RelateID’.

I have created a related field from Customers to RelateID, and another from RelateID to Vendors. I would like to make a list view that shows the Customer’s name on the x-axis (rows), and Vendor’s name on the y-axis (columns). Then have the fields on the data grid of this view show the many ID numbers each customer has for the RelateID module for every Vendor.

Right now, I am only able to create a view that shows the ID Number, Customers Name, Vendors Name.

I have searched, and have not seen anything with this topic. Has anyone worked with something like this, or have any advice?