How to view a PDF invoice


I am trying to view a PDF (invoice) before sending it by email. I cant find a bouton to carry out this action.

Thanks for help.



what is your SuiteCRM version?

How exactly are you generating this invoice? Can’t you see it in the Contact’s detail view, in a subpanel, so that you can open it?

When you generate any kind of PDF document/report in SuiteCRM, it gets downloaded to your PC, into whatever file download location is set in your browser. (I have Chrome just download everything to my desktop).

From here, you just click on the PDF file to view it in Adobe [Acrobat] Reader. As the file is an “unlocked” PDF, it can also be edited in MS Word.

Suite-generated documents can look a little “mechanical”, so using Word is a good way to make them more stylish (change the font, etc.).