How to translate SuiteCRM?

[size=6]Where to translate?[/size]
To translate SuiteCRM into your language please enter here:

Its a free collaborative effort to translate all languages in one place. You can download the translations for free!


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The SuiteCRM translation project has changed the translation platform: now we will use Crowdin.
You can translate and download languages ready to install with SuiteCRM… just using the web interface!
This was the major reason to move to Crowdin: now all are able to work and download their files, and also more free time for me! B)

1- Enter here
2- Create an account and choose your language to join.

Same as Transifex, Crowdin its free for OpenSource projects and you just need your browser to translate… and now also download!

About old translations:
Translations have been moved to Crowdin and here are new terms and files to translate.
It is also necessary to re-translate strings that was equal to English.
You will find that those lines are easy to copy from the text in English.

About previous translators status:

  • All translators will be accepted as “Translators”.
  • Actual “Coordinators” and “Reviewers” will be “Proofreaders” (after been accepted as translators)
    To reinstate you as Proofreader send a message to the Crowdin SuiteCRM project owner with your old username at Transifex.

To download:
Select the language. Hit the download button (top right).
Individual zip files are ready to be installed.

To translate:
Select the language and the file to translate. translate!
You can filter for all flies or search key/value

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