How to show only employees name in assgined to field in advance filter popup

Hello All,

Version 7.11.10
My requirement is -

I want to show only those name in the Assigned field who is an employee of the company but I am unable to change the query.

Kindly help

Hey there,

Sorry, I want to double check

Is your issue that you want to see the User’s Full Name, as opposed to their username?

Or that you wish to only see specific users, in this dropdown?

For the former, you can toggle this with the “Show Full Names” setting on your User Profile->Advanced:

For the latter, I’m not too sure how you’d go about customizing the Adv. Search query at the moment

However, you might be able to achieve similar results using Security Groups/Roles to hide Users.

Setting “Group” Role permission for the Users module to “Group”, you should be able to restrict it so that Users in “Group A” cannot see users in “Group B”

However, it will need some configuration to get set up, here is some documentation:

Please let me know if you need any assistance!