How to segment data


I’m evaluating a transition to SuiteCRM and I have a few data modelling questions that I need some help on…

This system is for a school, or better, for 4 different schools owned by the same people.

My question is this: the system should include all 4 groups of students (I’m thinking of modelling them as contacts, to begin), as some users will have a generic view of everybody, but for the users working in each school, they need to see only the students of their own school.

How should I go about achieving this? Security Groups? Accounts? Is there a way to filter everything in SuiteCRM so that some users only see one fourth of the records?

Flexibility would be important here; I’m afraid there could be some edge cases like a parent having one kid in each of two schools, a teacher that teaches in both, etc., so if these filters could avoid being exclusive, it would help.

Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this!

I’d think that Security Groups would fit your requirement!

You could do something like make 4 groups, 1 for each school.
You can then set the Group/Role permissions to “Group”
This means that they can only view records that were created by Users in that group.

So, to provide a very rough example:
If “User 1” and “User 2” are in ‘Group 1’, and “User 3” is in ‘Group 2’,
“User 3” cannot view any records that belong to ‘Group 1’

However, as these groups are flexible, if you wanted to allow “User 3” to view these records, you can easily add him to ‘Group 1’

Hopefully this gives a rough idea as to how it would work!

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