How to remove the Calendar button on Date Type field?

Hi, I wrote some Javascript to add/subtract day automatically in Edit View, I was wondering how to remove the Calendar button that next to the textbox, because my script doesn’t work on SuiteCRM’s datepicker.
js datepicker
JQurey Datepicker

Stock Datepicker

I was wondering how to remove this button.

Thank you very much

Hi there,

You should be able to hide it using js.
There may be cleaner ways to achieve this, but I’ve been able to do it with the following:

If you go to /custom/modules/[Module Name]/metadata/editviewdefs.php
(if this filedoesn’t exist, you can copy it from /modules/[Module Name]/metadata/editviewdefs.php, or make a change in studio)

And add the following “Include” line:

 'includes' => 
      array (
        0 => 
        array (
             'file' => 'custom/modules/[Module Name]/js/[Filename].js'

Feel free to change the name of the Module and JS file that will be created

So, in that location, create the js file.
And, add the following:

    document.getElementById('[field_name]_trigger').style.display = "none";

You will have to insert the name of the field where [field_name] is above.

ie, if it is a custom field called “datetest”, it would be:

document.getElementById('datetest_c_trigger').style.display = "none" 

If you do the above, navigate to the CRM
Then, in Admin->Repair, run both “Quick Repair and Rebuild” and “Rebuild JS Grouping files”
Then clear browser cache and reload page

On the next editview load, it should hide the datepicker button.
Does the above work, let me know if you have any issues :slight_smile:

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Its working! Thank you very much