How to remove "Log Call" option in Create Activity in Calendar?

Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to hide “Log Call” option in Create Activity in Calendar.


It’s very easy.

  1. Delete or comment the lines from file: themes/SuiteP/modules/Calendar/tpls/form.tpl
				<input type="radio" id="radio_call" value="Calls" onclick="CAL.change_activity_type(this.value);" name="appttype" tabindex="100"/>
			<label for="radio_call">{$MOD.LBL_CREATE_CALL}</label>
  1. Delete or comment the lines from file: jssource/src_files/modules/Calendar/Cal.js
CAL.get("radio_call").checked = false;
          if (mod_name == "Calls")
            CAL.get("radio_call").checked = true;
          CAL.get("radio_call").setAttribute("disabled", "disabled");
  1. Repair -> Rebuild Minified JS Files
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