How to remove (Create Tasks) from main create menu button on navigation bar

Hello all

I want to remove (Create Tasks) from create button in navigation bar how should i do it anyone help please

If I understand correctly what you mean, then the answer is to create a custom version of headerModuleList.tpl, and in that custom copy, remove this line

To create the custom file, copy that entire file into
custom/themes/SuiteP/tpls/_headerModuleList.tpl, then make your changes there.

Ok Thank you so much i will try and let you know the progress.

Hello sir i copied the complete SuiteP folder pasted in custom/themes/here

and remove that line but it doesn’t get work.

Yes :+1: Remeber to set permissions correctly afterwards

ohh okay okay let me do that also. Thanks

And a quick repair and rebuild :smile:

No its not working :frowning_face:

That line appears 3 times, one for tablet, one for mobile, one for desktop.

Just change it in all places:

yes you are right i already did that.

… and can you tell us if it worked?

no it not worked even when i am commenting that line from all the 3 places

I just tested and it works:


Is that the menu you are talking about?

Yes sir this is the menu in my case its not working . Ok i will do it again shall i follow the same steps as you have mention in query ?

I hope you followed this correctly.

Yes i am going to try it again and let you know the outcome.
Thank you

Yesterday i just comment out those lines then it don’t get worked and today i just remove those lines it works fine Thank you so much

again its not working sir is repair and rebuild is compulsory ?

Not compulsory but its important when making changes to local files as the database needs updated to stay up to date and functional.

Actually i had look into it and things are working fine for List view and detail view not for edit view why is it so ?