How to order the subpanels of a module and apply it to all users


I am using suitecrm Versi贸n 7.10.14 Sugar Versi贸n 6.5.25 (Compilaci贸n 344)
I need ordering the subpanels for any module like admin and apply it for all users. For example in Contacts module y have 3 subpanels in the order follow:

  1. Documents
  2. Activities
  3. Cases
  4. History

I need ordering then subpanels in the next order:

  1. Cases
  2. Documents
  3. Activities
  4. History I tried with the option DISPLAY MODULES AND SUBPANELS, and its not possible Its possible reorder the subpanels for all users using the user administrator ? O exists another alternative ?
    Thanks for your help.

There is the file modules/<module_name>/metadata/subpaneldefs.php in each module. You can make custom file and set the parameter order as you want. Panels are sorted in ascending order.

If you want than users can鈥檛 change the order you should switch on Admin->System Settings->Prevent user customizable subpanel layout.

thanks p.konetskiy
i will try it

I maked a custom file named reoder_subpanels.php on custom/Extension/modules/<MODULE_NAME>/Ext/Layoutdefs.
In the same path for on all diferents file name wich start with _override% change the order similar at file reoder_subpanles.php , save all changes, Repair and Rebuild

Yes. It鈥檚 variant too. You can create one file for all panels:

$layout_defs['<module_name>']['subpanel_setup']['<panel_name_1>']['order'] = 10;
$layout_defs['<module_name>']['subpanel_setup']['<panel_name_2>']['order'] = 20;
$layout_defs['<module_name>']['subpanel_setup']['<panel_name_3>']['order'] = 30;

ok, p.konetskiy
Thanks solutioned

I wanted to do the same type of thing for suitecrm8.1
Can someone help me? thanks

With suitecrm 7.12.5 does not seem to work anymore.
If anyone can give me feedback.