How to order Homepage Tabs?

Is it possible to re-order tabs on the homepage?

I can add and delete them fine, but it doesn’t seem possible to re-order them? I have a bout 7 tabs at the moment each full of filtered dashlets. If i cant reorder the tabs i would have to recreate each tab and dashlet. I must be missing something?


HI Keith,

It doesnt look like this is possible. Perhaps something for the next iteration of SuiteCRM

Can’t you just Drag and Move them. Click on them in the middle of the bar at the top of the dashlet, and then manually move them into the order you want, then come out and go back in and doesn’t it remember the new order? I know you have to do it manually for a person but then it’s done.

I can reorder the ‘dashlet’ themselves s by dragging them around. However i can’t reorder the ‘tabs’ that the dashlets are on.