How to manually (in-code) override the name of a relationship panel?

I have a custom module with an N:N relationship (created via Studio). I assigned this relationship a new label to be shown when the user is in the DetailView (also via Studio). After a Quick Repair, this name is resetted to the default label value which was assigned by SuiteCRM after creating the name initially.
So, setting the name is not Quick-Repair proof for this relationship.
I have similar relationships elsewhere where the name is oddly not resetted after a QR.

Can someone tell me where I can manually - in code - set an override for the relationship name? Or where this β€˜default’ name is defined that is apparently reloaded every time a QR is performed so that I can change it?

I use SuiteCRM 7.11.4 (Sugar 6.5.25, Build 344).

Check file /custom/modules/YOURmoduleWHEREsubpanelDISPLAYSwrongNAME/Ext/Language/en_us.lang.ext.php

