How to manage Tasks in Activities subpanels using permissions in role management

Hello Team

How to manage Tasks list in “Activities panel” in Accounts Module based on Role Management Permissions.
Please guide

activities (calls, meetings, tasks…) are using Suites right management as every other module. If a user is not allowed to view specific items, Suite shouldn’t display them.

Hello sir i am very confuse for permissions i want one scenario but i was not able to achieve that. i want your help please . Below is the scenario
I have 3 security groups:
1: Services Team
2: Sales Team
3: R&D Team
and 3 Roles

1: Services Team
2: Sales Team
3: R&D Team

Now let say i have one Customer and that customer belongs to Services Team i.e Only service team will be able to see that Customer. but when i create another Task for that customer and assign that task to another team user then that team will not be able to that customer why ? (Reason is because for accounts module i set list permission to group for role “Service team” ) what is the solution so that if another task i assign to another team that team should be able to see that account ? hope scenario is clear Please help

if you want to assign a task to a team, you need to add the respective security group.

i didn’t get that. I am listing accounts on group basis so Service users will only see services customer but if another task created for that customer and assign that task to another user of different team then will that account show to another team also ?

It depends. The content of a ListView is dynamic as well, for each item Suite validates if the user is allowed to see it there.

Therefore: An user might be allowed to access the DetailView, but that does not imply that he is allowed to see all related records.

I totally got stuck here. I am not able to do it. Please i am repeating the scenario please go through once.
Let say one lead assign to any single user of Team “Services” and lead get converted into “Accounts” and then task created for that Account. till Here no Problem. Now let say this customer is interested in different service then again i create one task for this customer assign it to single user of different Team then why that another team user is not able to see that task ??

what kind of permissions i used to do it ??


We are trying out best to explain what do to in the simplest manner possible. There is no point in repeating the scenario over and over without additional information as we can scroll back up the log and see what you have already said.

The reason for this is during the loading of the page a request is made to the contact which will fail as the user making the request does not have permission to view this contact.

The only way I can think of to counter this would be a workflow or logichook that when a task is created and assigned to a user of a different group it should relate that contact to the security group.

Ok sir thank you for reply. but can you please guide for some workflow conditions how to add workflow for fulfilling this scenario .