How to make the currency data type allow decimals?

In the ‘Opportunities’ module, in the ‘Opportunity Amount’ section, I have two fields:

  • Currency (data type: currency), which displays the currency type (Peso, Dollar, Euro).
  • Opportunity Amount (data type: currency), which is for entering the amount value.

In the latter case is where I have the inconvenience. As I type a value, if I want to use a delimiter like a period (.) to mark the value level, and continue typing the rest of the value, the period (.) gets deleted. For example:

  • I want to enter ten thousand: 10,000. When I type "10. ", everything is fine until I add the next zero. Then the period (.) gets deleted, and it becomes: 100, instead of respecting the period (.), so it ends up displaying: 10000.
  • Another example is using both periods (.) and commas (,). I want to enter one thousand four hundred and fifty: 1.400,50, and as I enter each number, the delimiters get deleted, resulting in the value: 140050, which is incorrect.

Attached are images.
symbol Amount:
New Opportunities view:
Error al typing:

And if I change the data type of the ‘Opportunity Amount’ field to double, the ‘Currency’ field disappears automatically.


Now in CRM:

Hi Tatiana,
I have the same problem. Did you found a solution for this issue?

Hola Guess,

Look, on 01/30/2025, they responded that this issue was resolved. Here’s the link. I assume this issue is fixed in the new version.

Link: Error fiel "amount" - SuiteCRM v. 8.5.1 ¡ Issue #478 ¡ salesagility/SuiteCRM-Core ¡ GitHub

These code changes:

Hola Tatiana,

muchas gracias.

I’m using a newer Version than 8.5.X and I still have problems with this :confused:
Is it working in your SuiteCRM Version or are you now using a different CRM?

Hello Guess, back when we encountered this issue, we had version 8.6 installed. Nowadays, since we couldn’t find or understand how to make modifications, customizations, or custom validations at the code level in SuiteCRM version 8.6 or higher, we reverted to version 7.14, which does allow us to modify the code and see the changes reflected visually in the CRM.

I still haven’t found any information that clearly explains how to apply custom code in higher versions.
Is it necessary to download a developer version, build it, and upload it somewhere? Or how should it be done?

I found something interesting.

In our country, we normally use a dot for thousands and a comma before a decimal.
In my profile settings, this was set as the default for EUR.

I tried different things and found a temporary solution for me: I changed the dot and the comma, and now I can write any number.
The amount 12.345,67 is now displayed in this format: 12,345.67

Not nice, but I can write the decimals (with dots) → so it’s ok for me for now, but hopefully I can find the problem and fix it.